Equipment Orientation
& Youth Policy
Equipment Orientation & Youth Policy
Youth Member/Non-Member Policy
​GFWC does allow strollers on the track
Child must remain securely inside stroller while on second floor
Stroller must remain on the track and within Parents’ control​
​Children 8 years & under must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a parent (or someone 16yrs or older)
First floor access only
Children 9 years and older can be in our facility without an adult and must abide by facility rules and regulations
Children 9 years old and under are limited to the first floor facilities- no exceptions
Swimming Pool
​Children 10 years and older can access the fitness area & classes on the 2nd floor with a Parent
Parent must be with in arms reach of child at all times- no exceptions
​Children ages 11-15 can gain access to 2nd floor without a Parent by taking our Equipment Orientation class and earn a wristband
Children must be a member of GFWC or pay the daily drop in to receive Wristband
Wristband classes are offered several times per month
Youth members with a wristband must wear wristband at all times when on 2nd floor-no exceptions
Age Restricted Areas/Wristband Policies
9+ (No Wristband)
11 - 12 years (Red Wristband)
Cardio Equipment
Plyometric Boxes
Must complete class & have adult signature to receive wristband
13 - 15 Years (Blue Wristband)
Cardio Equipment
Plyometric Boxes
Nautilus Pin Weight Machines
Medicine Balls
Must complete class & have adult signature to receive wristband
*Any youth member that does not abide by rules and regulations set forth by VCPR and its staff will be reprimanded and may lose privileges to the facility temporarily or permanently. Parents will be contacted immediately with any issues.